Copyright SwiftMove-PPCME 2017 - David Cruz-Mermy

Index JOBS DDR Investor About us SHCC

Latest site Update DDR V2.223 : 16th of January 2025


If you want to help us with a donation,
which will be used for the Center or for the Child’s Housing,
please use the following bank coordinates

Please ensure to write the reason of the donation :

Center or Refuge

If you don’t include the reason, we will use it for both as the Refuge is now another goal of the SHCC project

Here is a document you can send me to sign before transferring the money about the use of the donation, that I will transmit back to you to ensure your money is used for the right thing!

Bank : PostFinance

Beneficiary : Cruz-Mermy David Lucas

IBAN :     CH73 0900 0000 1481 9106 7

Paypal =>

You can also donate for the Resort =>

 DDR-Bohol Donations =>